Here’s an experiment I would like you to do right takes 30 seconds.
1. Pick up your pen in your hand and sign your hand
2. Now, pick up your pen again but this time, try to copy
that signature as closely as you can.
3. Now, pick up your pen with your non-dominant hand and
try to sign your name being as careful as possible to copy it as closely as you
4. Finally, pick up your pen with your non-dominant hand
and sign your name as quickly as possible.
I wonder if you noticed any differences? Most people do.
When you sign your name as quickly as you can with your
less dominant hand, that’s an example of unconscious incompetence. You
don’t have good control of what your doing and it shows.
When you carefully sign your name with your less dominant
hand, that’s an example of conscious incompetence. You are trying.
It’s just not very good.
When you sign your name with your dominant hand and you
are copying the signature, it’s an example of conscious competence.
And finally, when you sign your name quickly with your
dominant hand, it’s an example of unconscious competence.
Have you discovered that when you master something it's an example of unconscious competence?
That's how your business should run. It's almost effortless!
Imagine how you will feel when you are working more efficiently...your business is making more money…and you recapture the peace of mind that
most REALTORs have lost.
Today I received more proof that our approach is the
best method for you…One of my clients told me this:
"OK so MY net to me, year to date, after
ALL expenses is up 225%. Unbelievable!
I am about to take on about 40-50 new listings...
6 individual sellers (average list price of the 6 =
196,116) :-)
1 developer- condo project downtown - average list price
= 250,000 15-20 units
1 builder - 20 or more units - average list price 180,000
I have 3 other listings I am working on as well….
When you begin working on the mastery level, you will be
amazed you waited so long to begin.
Speaking of mastery...why not download our free Time Mastery document? This will be your first step before your big reward.Fill out the form below and it will be emailed to you instantly!
If you do not receive the report within 24 hours please email [email protected]
Dedicated to your success,
John Alexandrov
CEO, Real Estate Inner Circle
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