I wonder if you've ever caught yourself nodding your head "Yes" as someone else was doing the same thing.
At the time you probably didn't even notice you were doing it!
There a millions of ways to create instant, unconscious rapport with a potential buyer or seller, but the simplest way to do it is by...
Mirroring their posture
The more that you look like them, the more their unconscious brain says "Hey, that looks like me. I like me. I like that person!"
Tip: when you mirror somebody, you're not mimicking them. If they cross their legs, wait 10 seconds and then cross yours. If they lean forward in their chair, give it 10 seconds and then do the same.
Most people ask me, "Will they know I am mirroring?"
If you do it slowly and subtly, only their subconscious mind will know!
The only thing you will ever get paid for is the ability to persuade your prospects. If you've only used traditional selling methods, then you're going to love the results you get when you implement these advanced persuasion techniques in your sales tool-kit.
Dedicated to your success,
John Alexandrov
PS - Discover a bunch more persuasion tips by requesting our free persuasion report
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